Basic Jewellery Making Workshop
Basic Jewellery Making Workshop
Basic Jewellery Making Workshop
Basic Jewellery Making Workshop
Basic Jewellery Making Workshop
Basic Jewellery Making Workshop

Basic Jewellery Making Workshop


Our basic jewellery making workshop is back! Always wanted to make your own jewellery but don't know how? Hope to make something by hand for someone special? Here's your chance! 

Learn the basics of jewellery making with beads and basic techniques, and bring home your customized gemstone jewelry at the end of the day. You get to choose from a wide range of natural crystals and gemstones. Tools and materials are provided.

As seen on Honeykidsasia and Honeycombers.


Workshop Details

Date: 23rd November 2019 (Saturday)

Time: 2 pm - 5 pm

Venue:  Ode to Organics, OUE Downtown, 6 Shenton Way #01-46, S(068809)

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